
Life After Treatment

Building a new life after addiction treatment can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Having a clear plan to follow can help with maintaining sobriety. 

Completing an addiction treatment program is a huge accomplishment. It’s something that should be celebrated but also recognized as a starting point for sobriety. After leaving rehab, everything needs to be evaluated to determine if it’s healthy for this new phase of life. 

It is typical for most of the people, places, and things that once were common, to need adjusting and possibly even elimination. Being able to recognize the healthy vs. the unhealthy will come in time, but having a strong support system will help also. With relapse rates as high as 60% in the United States, receiving aftercare for addiction recovery is highly recommended.


The Importance Of Continuing Care

Agape Detox knows the importance of an aftercare plan in life after rehab. The chronic nature of addiction makes it critical that people in recovery have access to a team of specialists for the uninterrupted maintenance of their illness. We have specialized programs to help with the transitions into everyday life and help with staying on the path to long-term recovery. 

Different Types Of Continuing Support

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy can be an incredible source for understanding personal addiction struggles. A good therapist will recognize addiction as more than just a chemical dependence. They can help decipher the whys behind someone using, and even point out things not seen by the addict before. 

Another advantage of regular therapy is the pace at which someone can recognize triggers. Quickly implementing strategies to work through them without using drugs or alcohol is another benefit.


Going to the doctor and dentist on a semi-annual basis can help keep your body healthy. Addiction can take a toll on the human body. Side effects of long-term drug or alcohol use can cause many physical, and chemical changes that would benefit from being monitored by a physician. 

Having your teeth cleaned and checked for any issues can help with overall health, as well. Making sure gum disease isn’t present, or progressing is important to ensure good bacteria stay in your mouth, which can lead to a healthier gut biome. Gut biomes help with digestion, and even keep the immune system strong. This can also help the recovery process because a healthy body can encourage a healthy mind.

12-Step Programs

Each 12-step program’s methodology differs from the other, but their goals are the same: to help addicts in recovery. Adhering to the program and accomplishing each step is an important part of any 12-step program. 

The most common 12-step programs are:

AA- Alcoholics Anonymous– The first 12-step program ever created. The twelve traditions were created that governed how groups functioned and related to each other while membership grew.  Some of the traditions include the practice of anonymity by only using the first name and the tradition of “singleness of purpose.”. AAs singleness of purpose is to “carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.”. AA is not meant for anyone who is not an alcoholic, though. 

NA-Narcotics Anonymous is a global, community-based organization with a multilingual and multicultural membership. This program was founded in 1953, and members hold nearly 76,000 NA meetings weekly in 143 countries today. NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem.

CR– Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling one’s daily life. 

Alternative Support Groups

It is not only recommended but extremely important to find a support group of some kind to be a part of once addiction treatment has ended. 

Another common recovery support group is the SMART recovery group. SMART Recovery is a different approach to addiction recovery. The acronym stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. Its goal is to teach a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.  

Some other alternative support groups could be found through religious organizations, LGBTQIA+ community centers, or even a local library. With a wealth of information at their disposal, Agape Detox Center can help with finding a support group that works for each individual, also. 

Building A New Social Life

Many 12-step programs recommend changing “people, places, and things”, especially in early recovery. This is because of reward centers in the brain, and stimulating them can make relapse a stronger probability. 

Just because someone needs to change their people, places, and things, doesn’t mean they will never have fun again. Some ways to build a new social life can be as simple as getting involved with other people in addiction recovery. When hanging out with sober people, you will start to recognize different places, and things that can be equally, or even more fun than previous activities. 

Ready to get started?

Give us a call today. Our admissions coordinators will answer any questions you may have about our program and walk you through the admissions process.

What to Do If Relapse Occurs During Aftercare

Relapses occur often, especially in early recovery. A relapse is not a failure or the end of the recovery road. It’s just a small detour that can serve as a wake-up call. If a relapse does occur in addiction recovery, it is important to admit the relapse, and then become accountable. 

Calling Agape Detox is a step in the right direction of accountability. Learning the ways to get back on the right road through our knowledgeable and kind staff can mean the difference between a detour and a final destination of using. 

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